Franchising your business is a great way to grow your business, but it also comes with challenges. You need to consider the pros and cons of franchising before you make a decision.

Your profit margin is smaller when you franchise

Franchising is a business model that allows you to expand your business without taking on all the risks of doing so. You can grow your revenue, earn more money, and increase profits by Best franchising your business Australia. Franchisees are people who buy a license from you to use your name and sell products or services under it—and in exchange for that license, they pay you royalties based on their sales results over time. You may get new locations to open up without having to worry about hiring employees or managing those locations yourself—thus freeing up your time so that you can focus on growing your other businesses.

Franchisees have to pay fees to you, the franchisor

As the franchisor, you will collect fees from your franchisees. Franchisees pay a flat fee to you upon signing their franchise agreement. This is known as an initial franchise fee or startup fee. You also receive ongoing royalties from your franchisees. Royalty payments are usually based on a percentage of each month's sales and/or net profit, though some companies may only require royalty payments once a year in quarterly installments. Franchise contracts typically specify how often royalty payments should be made—though if it doesn't, the contract will generally indicate what frequency of payment is typical for similar agreements between other franchisors and their franchisees (for example: monthly).Finally, many franchisors charge marketing fees as well; these fees help cover the cost of advertising campaigns necessary to generate awareness among potential customers looking for products or services like yours in their area.

You will have less control once you franchise

Once you decide to franchise a business, it means that you’ve decided to let go of some control. It is no longer your responsibility to make sure that your employees are performing at their best or that the services being offered are up to par.

Instead, you must trust your franchisees to run their stores in the way that works best for them. You can’t be hands-on with every single store location, but this doesn't mean you should forget about them entirely!

When considering franchising an existing business, make sure that it's something both parties want before making any commitments. If they aren't on board with the idea, then it's probably not worth pursuing.

Franchisees expect you to provide support and training

Franchisees will expect you to provide training, support, and marketing. You need to be able to provide this by hiring the right people or outsourcing the work.This point is important because some franchisees are looking for a "turn-key" business—a business that's ready for them after buying it. If you don't have the right systems in place, they might decide not to buy your franchise because they will assume that running the franchise would take more time than they have available.

You need to provide a system that works

When you franchise your business, you’ll be responsible for providing a system that works. This means setting up a good infrastructure and developing procedures and processes to support that system.

Your franchisees will need help with things like:

  • Marketing and advertising their business. As the franchisor, you may want to work with them on these efforts or offer access to your own marketing expertise—like an agency partner or an in-house team focused on marketing services.
  • Managing franchisee operations—especially as they grow larger over time (or if you decide to take back some responsibilities). Having a plan in place for this type of transition can help protect yourself from legal disputes down the road (and make sure everyone is happy).


We hope that this article has given you a better understanding of what franchising your business can do for your business.We know it can be difficult to make the decision to franchise, but once you do, there are many benefits and opportunities for growth in store for both parties involved. If you have any questions about franchising or want help deciding whether or not it's right for your company, give an expert a call today!